Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Winrar - Tutorial on how to use winrar

After you have installed WinRAR any RAR format file should look like the
X3_1959.rar file that has been downloaded to the desktop for this example.
Double click on the RAR file.

These are the list of compressed files within the RAR file. As you can see there
are two bios's (X3_1959.bin for v1.0-v1.5 Xbox and X3_1959_v16plus.bin for v1.6 Xbox)
Also there is a folder called x3_erase which includes an xbe file that is a utility to
format the X3 Eeprom in case you ever forget your X3 Config Live Password.
The readme.txt file is simply a text file giving you some brief information.
To unpack these files click on the Extract To button.

You can select any path to extract the files. However in this case we are
going to unpack the files to the desktop in a directory called X3_1959

Here is the newly created folder on the desktop.
Double click on it to see what's inside.

And there you have it. All your files correctly unpacked and ready
for you to flash your X3 mod.

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