Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Cowon D2 the Mini Portable Media Player

The Cowon D2 resembles a miniature flat widescreen T.V. and its overall design is elegantly compact. The D2 comes with 2GB of data which could have surely been more. Once you get the space concern, there are hardly any complaints and even this issue can be solved by the option of expandable memory with SD card slot, it was expensive. The D2 is a refreshing change with respect to the 'feel' with which the music, movies or videos, FM radio, pictures, and even text is displayed on screen. The D2 is also Podcast ready, which is an added premium feature. The player can be alternatively charged while it is connected to your PC's USB port. The D2 comes bundled with an external adapter to recharge it if you're away from your computer system.

To view movies or videos, you need to first convet them to the player's format using the jet application which comes on a bundled CD. The video quality and output is also commendable.

The touch screen is almost accurately responsive which makes the idea of mobile entertainment quite interactive and personal.

Good : Good sound output and great quality, big display area.

Bad : Should have had more storage space than 2GB at source.

Video Review :

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